Contracting sentences is a crucial skill for copywriters and editors alike. Not only does a shorter sentence length improve readability, but it can also boost search engine optimization (SEO). One effective way to contract sentences is by using nouns.

Here are some examples of how to contract a sentence using the following nouns:

1. Company – Instead of saying “The company is currently experiencing financial difficulties,” contract it to “The company faces financial difficulties.”

2. Opportunity – Rather than saying “There is a great opportunity for growth in this market,” shorten it to “Great growth opportunity in this market.”

3. Implementation – Instead of saying “Implementation of the new policy will begin next quarter,” contract it to “New policy implementation starts next quarter.”

4. Team – Rather than saying “The team is responsible for completing the project by Friday,” contract it to “Team completes project by Friday.”

5. Strategy – Instead of saying “We need to implement a new marketing strategy to increase sales,” contract it to “New marketing strategy increases sales.”

6. Solution – Rather than saying “We are currently looking for a solution to this problem,” contract it to “Looking for problem solution.”

By contracting sentences using nouns, you can quickly and effectively convey your message while also optimizing your content for SEO. It`s important to remember to use active voice and keep your sentence length in mind when contracting sentences for maximum impact. Happy editing!