As a landlord in Gwinnett County, Georgia, it is important to understand the laws and regulations surrounding water usage in your rental properties. In order to ensure that you are in compliance with these regulations and to avoid any potential legal issues, it is recommended that you enter into a water landlord agreement with your tenants.

A water landlord agreement is a contract that outlines the responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant regarding water usage in the rental property. This agreement typically includes information about water meter readings, payment obligations, and any penalties that may be imposed for excessive water usage.

In Gwinnett County, landlords are required to provide tenants with a copy of the water landlord agreement at the time of lease signing. This agreement must also be filed with the water provider for the property.

When drafting a water landlord agreement, it is important to include specific language regarding tenant responsibilities. This includes information about how tenants are expected to pay for their share of the water bill, as well as any restrictions on water usage (such as outdoor water usage during drought conditions).

Additionally, landlords should consider including language about penalties for excessive water usage. This can include charging tenants for any additional charges incurred due to excessive water usage, or even the termination of the lease agreement if the tenant continues to violate the terms of the agreement.

It is also important to note that in Gwinnett County, landlords are responsible for ensuring that all water meters are functioning properly and that readings are taken regularly. Failure to do so can result in penalties from the water provider, as well as potential legal issues with tenants.

Overall, entering into a water landlord agreement is an important step for landlords in Gwinnett County to ensure that they are in compliance with local regulations and to avoid any potential legal issues. By clearly outlining the responsibilities of both parties, landlords can minimize the risk of disputes over water usage and ensure that their rental properties are properly maintained.